Who we are

Who We Are
N.P.A.A. is a political action committee that surveys, endorses, and works directly on campaigns of candidates who support legislation that will benefit animals in the state of Nevada.
We will endorse candidates based on the results of a survey of their positions on proposed legislation affecting animals, and an analysis of their voting records on animal issues, where available.

Why It's Important
​Public sentiment about the place and treatment of animals in American society has changed enormously in the last 25 years. Now laws need to catch up with the public's growing commitment to the well being and protection of animals. We need to start sending legislators already committed to animal issues to public office.
What You Can Do
Join our e-mail list! We'll contact you when we endorse a candidate who supports animal protection in your district. We will also keep you informed of important animal issues locally. Together we can make a difference in the lives of thousands of animals in Nevada.
"Become Informed and Take Action"
Protecting Animals Through Political Action
N.P.A.A. is a nonpartisan organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals. Citizens who want strong legal protections for animals are urged to get involved. In states across the nation, people who care about animals are mobilizing, using the political process, and succeeding in passing strong laws to protect animals. Animal protection is a political and a moral issue.